Tired of running a business & its social media !?

  • We Align and Plan

    A social media content plan is part of your overall marketing strategy; it helps you effectively plan the types of content you post on different social media platforms depending on your audience. Planning content allows business to influence and predict growth and success.

  • We Caption and Post

    In center focus with the marketing campaign, Mountain Media takes content you provide or we create and distributes it to platforms of your choice. The description we place with your post gives context to your images and allows you to share your brand voice. The best captions and interactive content make posts more memorable by telling your followers how to take action or laying the foundations for a stronger relationship. Without useful captions turning audiences into consumers is impossible and without eye catching content users will scroll right past.

  • We Manage and Reflect

    We don’t only caption and publish posts. We respond to comments and look for unique industry trends for content to address. We also look at other business and personal profiles to get ideas about content we could produce through image, video and text posts. Mountain Media goes beyond this and uses social media metrics to determine the impact of our efforts and report back to company leadership with results.

Here are some brands we currently distribute for

Want to learn more on what this might look like for your business?

We would love to hear how our team can elevate your online presence. Saving you time while building your audience into converted consumers.